Garret Galkasaur FC/Active Member Sep 2, 2007 #1 Please sign up here, and show up on time, if you wish to attend. Rules Note: Sponsor receives first 100 currency which drops.
Please sign up here, and show up on time, if you wish to attend. Rules Note: Sponsor receives first 100 currency which drops.
T Teratron New Member Sep 20, 2007 #18 / Again, gonna do my best to make it, but I'll probably be an hour or so late.
S ScythexShuriken New Member Sep 21, 2007 #19 Im in, it's been about a year in a half due to rl going to dynamis with DX. I'll need another pearl NIN:75 BLM:75 or MNK:75. Char is Amaya.
Im in, it's been about a year in a half due to rl going to dynamis with DX. I'll need another pearl NIN:75 BLM:75 or MNK:75. Char is Amaya.