Hello I am back to continue my sisyphean quest to tell Squeenix what's wrong with male miqo face 1 because I guess I'm just delusionally stubborn.
Previous threads here for those who care:
I've been giving feedback on this already, but a lot of months to reflect on exactly what's wrong has definitely helped to understand exactly where the problem lies, so here's a very simply image showing exactly what's wrong with the mouth, using mouths 1 and 4 as examples (because those are the most relevant ones in my opinion.)
The lower lip is very different from the original. Aside from its shape being entirely wrong, missing an inward curve at the sides and missing an indentation in the center, it’s also wider, extending futher to the side and, more importantly, further out relative to the upper lip. The upper lip's shape isn't perfect either, but it's at least better.
The size and shape of the lower lip in general contributes to making the mouth look far wider than it's supposed to, and since options 2-4 are essentially just altered versions of mouth 1, this has a disproportionate effect on mouth 4, which I've also seen other people complain about. Not that altering the shape key for mouth 4 wouldn't help anyways...
Another issue is that the center where the lips meet, the shape is a lot less pronounced, which adds to the different feel of the mouth.
There are other issues still too, like how the eyebrows are a lot less pronounced still, and the eyes still looking a bit dull at least for Keepers (which is as simple to solve as increasing the contrast of the eyes in my opinion), but at this point I feel the mouth is the biggest one, because we were promised that the new models would be made to look as close as possible to the originals, and this is straight up an artistic misrepresentation of the way the model looked before. It should be noted that this issue is a lot less noticeable if you don't use lip colour, but I like doing that, and some of the people I've seen complain about the mouth also do.
Honestly, I know Squeenix has a lot of feedback to go through and a lot of models to update, but the fact that third parties are seemingly doing just fine fixing the issues and squeenix isn't is something I don't get, especially with how they seemingly nailed face 3. The character model update truly was undercooked.
Seeing my characters look like this every time there's a new patch is slowly but surely driving me insane but you can bet I'm going to show up every patch until they give what was promised.
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Previous threads here for those who care:
I've been giving feedback on this already, but a lot of months to reflect on exactly what's wrong has definitely helped to understand exactly where the problem lies, so here's a very simply image showing exactly what's wrong with the mouth, using mouths 1 and 4 as examples (because those are the most relevant ones in my opinion.)

The lower lip is very different from the original. Aside from its shape being entirely wrong, missing an inward curve at the sides and missing an indentation in the center, it’s also wider, extending futher to the side and, more importantly, further out relative to the upper lip. The upper lip's shape isn't perfect either, but it's at least better.
The size and shape of the lower lip in general contributes to making the mouth look far wider than it's supposed to, and since options 2-4 are essentially just altered versions of mouth 1, this has a disproportionate effect on mouth 4, which I've also seen other people complain about. Not that altering the shape key for mouth 4 wouldn't help anyways...
Another issue is that the center where the lips meet, the shape is a lot less pronounced, which adds to the different feel of the mouth.
There are other issues still too, like how the eyebrows are a lot less pronounced still, and the eyes still looking a bit dull at least for Keepers (which is as simple to solve as increasing the contrast of the eyes in my opinion), but at this point I feel the mouth is the biggest one, because we were promised that the new models would be made to look as close as possible to the originals, and this is straight up an artistic misrepresentation of the way the model looked before. It should be noted that this issue is a lot less noticeable if you don't use lip colour, but I like doing that, and some of the people I've seen complain about the mouth also do.
Honestly, I know Squeenix has a lot of feedback to go through and a lot of models to update, but the fact that third parties are seemingly doing just fine fixing the issues and squeenix isn't is something I don't get, especially with how they seemingly nailed face 3. The character model update truly was undercooked.
Seeing my characters look like this every time there's a new patch is slowly but surely driving me insane but you can bet I'm going to show up every patch until they give what was promised.
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