7.2 BLM Praise Thread

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This thread is for those who prefer 7.2 BLM over its predecessor. I personally do not understand why pushing buttons in sequence needs to have artificial difficulty (or as I call, “fake fun”). Your Astral/Umbral timer does not add anything substantive to the game. As of 7.2, your rotation has not changed AT ALL. The ONLY thing different is a number on the screen. Actually, something did change: you’ll finally be able to do mechanics! Your party members will be so happy with you that they’ll let you back in Party Finder.

Now, I know what you all are thinking: this was YOUR class, right? You in The Balance Discord who hoard “theorycrafting” “strategies”? You don’t want those “other people” playing “your” class. If BLM becomes a class for plebeians, you’re no longer special. Is that it?

I’ve been playing this game for over nine years. Black mage has never been difficult. You chose to make fake fan theories and write a whole book based on babble from The Balance Discord server. Well, guess what? It’s my class too. I’m not in your Discord, never have been, never will be, and most importantly, I don’t care about your “theorycrafting” or your “meta”. Black mage is the press-fire-then-ice class. That’s it.

If you don’t like it, please unsubscribe. Better yet, please liquidate The Balance Discord and all associated publications. This game belongs to the people.

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