-50 DKP!!!


What this does is allow you to mitigate smaller tasks to the other officers, and instead of seeming like one or two high power authority figures in the guild, you have a bunch of people who can all take care of their own responsibilities without seeming like demi-gods.


wow kewl

that guy a god if ever i heard one

i just wish you found the animated version of the clip, i can't anymore :(
that guy screaming made my head hurt

and ppl complain about our Vent as it is >.> lol

can you even imagine if we were anything like this? I'd've quit years ago lol

(all you ppl thinking that I am like this, MINUS FIFTY DKP^^)
Dives doesn't count... he's special.

(The guy doing the voice)

They 'film' these on a regular basis :P ... tho at least you all know how to kill Onyxia now :)
Dives doesn't count... he's special.

(The guy doing the voice)

They 'film' these on a regular basis :P ... tho at least you all know how to kill Onyxia now :)

So this was a skit like I originally thought, not the audio from a fucked up raid impossed over a Flash animation. Right?
DKP = Dragon Kill Points. Its really just a stupid term for a points system.

All items are assigned a DKP value; a chestpiece might be worth 20 dkp. When it drops, whoever loots it loses 20dkp, and that dkp is divided among everyone who was there (so if there was 20 people, you all get 1dkp back... including the person who got the item)

There are much more complicated variants, but basically its a way to ascertain that people are putting in the work they should. Not as much a problem with 18 peopel alliances as when you have 40 people + 10 on standby daily.
DKP is actually an EQ term

eq-kun (._.)
This is true, from way back in the day. I have a feeling the reason that the DKP system never caught on much in FF is that it's much harder to just go out and get drops for your LS/guild/etc. From what I recall in EQ, you had to do a lot of hard work to get access to zones, but there was almost no need to camp "raid mobs"; you just get ppl together and go kill them. And there's a large selection of good stuff found all over... compare to FFXI where I can count the number of drops I need for my BLM on 1 finger.
you dig up the oldest shit ~_~