5.1 Legendary Nodes Gathering Alarm Macros

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I recently made this for my own usage so that i dont have to rely on other external sources like garland bell/teamcraft for timing legendary nodes, and thought fellow Eorzeans may benefit from it too.

/alarm "Tung M Tem" et rp 1000 2

/alarm "Tung M Tem" et rp 2200 2

/alarm "Prism M IM" et rp 0400 2

/alarm "Prism M IM" et rp 1600 2

/alarm "San B Rak" et rp 0200 2

/alarm "San B Rak" et rp 1400 2

/alarm "Eth B LL" et rp 0800 2

/alarm "Eth B LL" et rp 2000 2

there is a characters cap for alarms' names, so I came up with my own little abbreviations, the first part of the names are:

  • Tung = tungsten ores

  • Prism = prism stone - this comes packaged with berylium ore

  • San = sandalwood log/sap - another 2in1 deal

  • Eth = ethereal cocoon

Second part is either B (botanist) or M (miner)

Third part is location:

  • Tem = tempest

  • IM = Il Mheg

  • Rak = raktika wood (or however it is spelled)

  • LL = lakeland

you can check your alarm in-game anytime with command /alarm, you can also choose to modify the alarm from that menu or change it in the macro ( et = eorzea time, rp = repeat, 2 = 2 minutes before the time)

also, there's a limit of 10 timers at once in-game (i used 8 here, 4 nodes x 2 times per day), so if you want to mark more nodes it can be done too - just play around with it.

submitted by /u/leocristo28
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