5-1 and 5-2 Tuesday May 6th


Gone and back again.. and again..
FC/Active Member
If anyone's willing to help w/ 5-1 (50 cap BCNM vs. Bones) and 5-2 (Shadowlord) starting around 8pm EST next Tuesday I'd appreciate it. I need to get these done so I can get ZM's caught up to attend the Divine Might event that Aang will be scheduling soon.
So far have..

Sass - WHM?
Def - MNK
Def's Taru - WHM?
Me - DRK

Sass - BLM
Moi - DRK
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If it starts on time i can make 5-1 most likely.
5-1 : works best with whm rdm mnk mnk mnk mnk XD
5-2 : he dies so fast.. lol

Yeah I know Sass, gotta work with what I can get though. >.<;
Have a MNK 100 fists on the big skeleton and it should take him out. I've seen it before. Possibly just bring jobs that can take care of the excess skele's.
If the pld is the first to run in and not use any jas on the adds then all additional mobs will only go for the PLD. Kind of like CoP mission 6-1(or was it 4)?
Defiantaru is logged out there with 1 dozen i.wings, 1d sole sushi, 1d eye drops, 1d antidotes and something else for the melees.

I geared def up on monk also.
I have been out of it since having my gall bladder removed last Friday O.o Anyway I will log out there as lvl 50 PLD and see you guys tonight.
5-1 and 5-2 completed. Thank you Defiant, Sassy, Elvi, and Chamers.
Thanks to those that came out to help :)