Garret Galkasaur FC/Active Member Feb 2, 2008 #1 Please sign up here, and show up on time, if you wish to attend. Rules
Sassafras Calendar Girl FC/Active Member Feb 3, 2008 #13 Attendance: Amentis - BRD(2) Arafea(Cyndel) Archain Athra Bladeaka - BST(F) Bloodryne Byrdman Chame - NIN(2) Dakkon Ehone Ellise - WAR(0) Emrium Eticket Garret Gunman Jinxone - WAR(0) Joanna Justgotpaid - NIN(4) Lexa Lyonesse Maerin(Redd) Maloy Mane Mysti Negativepositiv Obakeken Omar - RNG(4) Perfectus - M.Silver(4) Pinacoladas Qty Rayna Rhine Sassafras Scar - NIN(4) Sephirothh Sharain - WHM(4) Sojourn Spit Tulia - RDM(4). WHM free lot Yulo Zastar Last edited: Feb 3, 2008
Attendance: Amentis - BRD(2) Arafea(Cyndel) Archain Athra Bladeaka - BST(F) Bloodryne Byrdman Chame - NIN(2) Dakkon Ehone Ellise - WAR(0) Emrium Eticket Garret Gunman Jinxone - WAR(0) Joanna Justgotpaid - NIN(4) Lexa Lyonesse Maerin(Redd) Maloy Mane Mysti Negativepositiv Obakeken Omar - RNG(4) Perfectus - M.Silver(4) Pinacoladas Qty Rayna Rhine Sassafras Scar - NIN(4) Sephirothh Sharain - WHM(4) Sojourn Spit Tulia - RDM(4). WHM free lot Yulo Zastar