18 May 2007 - Which run is planned?


Kitteh Paws
I'm assuming were trying to finish off an Ultima set for use by doing the final Temenos floor, right? The only Temenos run I don't remember doing this cycle is the one with the Shadow Dragon. Is that the run we're planning for Friday?
It is either that or another Apollyon zone. If we have the numbers, Floor 1 will be priority, but given the conversation we had before the last run, it seems many will not be able to come Friday, including me since I am attending a graduation and will be gone for the weekend.

I'm able to come now, my job in Indy fell through (company paying me too much for too little amount of work to be done).

And if we do the Shadow Dragon zone, Def bring your RDM gear so I can come BLU this time >:O 75 now also so I'm not gimpy, haha