Greetings All!
I know that this website has pretty much died since most everyone has stopped playing FFXI with the exception of a few people.
However, I just wanted to pass along a few updates about Tapatalk that are available for the iPhone, Android and Nokia phones. Additionally, I will maintain this integration in the next site to be created for a FFXIV group that has yet-to-be-named. So, have a look at the details below.
Nokia & Android Phones:
There is now a beta testing version of Tapatalk for these mobile devices that you are free to test if you would like. is available on these new beta apps and I expect a number of other sites to sign-on shortly.
To get the beta application for Nokia phones, point your Nokia browser to:
Sorry, I don't have any Nokia screen shots.
To get involved in the Android testing program, please see this website to receive a copy of the Android application:
Join this forum. Then request the beta application.
Android Screenshots:
I don't own or have access to an Android phone for other screen captures at this time.
Lastly; there is a FREE iPhone version available that has a 'Read Only' function. You can't post messages, but you can read forums by using the free application.
You can get the free iPhone application here. Details on the differences between the paid and free application can been seen here.
Will update this thread later with more information...
I know that this website has pretty much died since most everyone has stopped playing FFXI with the exception of a few people.
However, I just wanted to pass along a few updates about Tapatalk that are available for the iPhone, Android and Nokia phones. Additionally, I will maintain this integration in the next site to be created for a FFXIV group that has yet-to-be-named. So, have a look at the details below.
Nokia & Android Phones:
There is now a beta testing version of Tapatalk for these mobile devices that you are free to test if you would like. is available on these new beta apps and I expect a number of other sites to sign-on shortly.
Tapatalk / Supported Nokia Models said:We are pleased to make the first version of Tapatalk Nokia Beta app available for download at this site. The app is designed specific for S60 5th Edition devices such as 5800, N97 and etc, and reportedly we received feedback from some beta testers that it appears to work fine in S60 3th Edition environment such as E-series and etc.
To get the beta application for Nokia phones, point your Nokia browser to:
Sorry, I don't have any Nokia screen shots.
To get involved in the Android testing program, please see this website to receive a copy of the Android application:
Join this forum. Then request the beta application.
Android Screenshots:

I don't own or have access to an Android phone for other screen captures at this time.
Lastly; there is a FREE iPhone version available that has a 'Read Only' function. You can't post messages, but you can read forums by using the free application.
You can get the free iPhone application here. Details on the differences between the paid and free application can been seen here.
Will update this thread later with more information...