Garret Galkasaur FC/Active Member Nov 4, 2007 #1 Please sign up here, and show up on time, if you wish to attend. Rules
R Razorcat Is a Mithra! =^^= Nov 21, 2007 #12 I've come to join the "dark side" as Sassafras puts it.
Neodevilbane Master of the Martini Nov 21, 2007 #13 Eh... this update is estimating it will take an hour and a half. So might not be able to make it. * 26 minutes now. Last edited: Nov 21, 2007
Eh... this update is estimating it will take an hour and a half. So might not be able to make it. * 26 minutes now.
Garret Galkasaur FC/Active Member Nov 25, 2007 #15 Attendance: Aquazero (Sam Legs - 0) Arien Arthais (War Head - 0) Beowolf Calvine (Sam Legs - 0) Chame Codec Cyndel Emrium Eticket Garret Georgefye Gunman (Jadeshell - 4) Heie Jinxone Joanna Kitastrophie Leonhartx Lilteasz Negativepositiv Neodevilbane Quinth Rauvi Rayna Razorcat Rhine Ryujiin Selenak (Thf Head - 2) Shadowedg Snuggle Spirn Spit (Bst Head - 4) Spundundee Starquest Tarja Teratron Varda Viva Viviclone Yelsaewnor Zastar (War Head - 0) Zeo Zickabah
Attendance: Aquazero (Sam Legs - 0) Arien Arthais (War Head - 0) Beowolf Calvine (Sam Legs - 0) Chame Codec Cyndel Emrium Eticket Garret Georgefye Gunman (Jadeshell - 4) Heie Jinxone Joanna Kitastrophie Leonhartx Lilteasz Negativepositiv Neodevilbane Quinth Rauvi Rayna Razorcat Rhine Ryujiin Selenak (Thf Head - 2) Shadowedg Snuggle Spirn Spit (Bst Head - 4) Spundundee Starquest Tarja Teratron Varda Viva Viviclone Yelsaewnor Zastar (War Head - 0) Zeo Zickabah