Garret Galkasaur FC/Active Member Nov 4, 2007 #1 Please sign up here, and show up on time, if you wish to attend. Rules
Sassafras Calendar Girl FC/Active Member Nov 7, 2007 #12 Attendance: Aquazero - DRK(4) Arien Bigmike - THF(0) Bloodryne Chame - SAM(0) Codec - BLM(0) Cujo Cyndel Dakkon - SAM(0) Defiant Dejahthoris Doran Elvier Elysabeth Emrium Eticket Garret(mythlon) - 100 Byne(4) Heie - NIN(4) Hilfy Jackskellington - DRG(4) Joanna Kakini - WHM(4) Lostsoul Maloy Mane - MNK(4) Modoja Niverive Quinth Rauvi - RDM(2) Rhine Runic - RNG(0) Sassafras - sponsor - 55 shells, 109 bronze, 80 bills Shadowedge Sojourn Spit Spundundee Tymill Yelsaewnor Zeo Last edited: Nov 11, 2007
Attendance: Aquazero - DRK(4) Arien Bigmike - THF(0) Bloodryne Chame - SAM(0) Codec - BLM(0) Cujo Cyndel Dakkon - SAM(0) Defiant Dejahthoris Doran Elvier Elysabeth Emrium Eticket Garret(mythlon) - 100 Byne(4) Heie - NIN(4) Hilfy Jackskellington - DRG(4) Joanna Kakini - WHM(4) Lostsoul Maloy Mane - MNK(4) Modoja Niverive Quinth Rauvi - RDM(2) Rhine Runic - RNG(0) Sassafras - sponsor - 55 shells, 109 bronze, 80 bills Shadowedge Sojourn Spit Spundundee Tymill Yelsaewnor Zeo