1/24/10 Dynamis Bastok

Abbylu (m)
Darkprnce (m)
Eticket (m)
Halffpint (m)
Heie (m)
Joeboo blu
Jurek rdm
Kickinwing (m) free dnc
Kulgan (m)free pld
Lisamarie sch free mnk
Megatron (m)
Merlinofchaos blm
Novabane (m)
Omar rdm free sch
Overdark smn free blu
Pimpzter blm
Pixiehawk (m) free dnc
Quinth (m)
Ragnarredbeard (m) free blu
Reali (m)
Sansuka rdm
Shunka (m)

This was changed to Bastok as another group stole the zone.
All the Wootz Ores have sold. Each money lotter will receive 184,615 gil. As always, you can pick up your gil from me on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Thanks.
Okay, I'm glad we did Lastok instead of Windy, even though I had to blow a charge on my stable collar.
