1/20/10 Dynamis Jeuno

Start ~ 8:20pm ET

*Abbylu (money) ~ PUP free
*Eticket (money) - entered 10pm
*Heie (money)
Jurek (WHM/NIN) ~ won WHM
Kickinwing (MNK)
*Kulgan (money)
Megatron (RDM)
Novabane (BLM/THF) - won THF, left about 10:30pm
Overdark (RDM/NIN)
*Pixiehawk (money)
Peucritond (merlin-BLM) ~ won BLM
Ragnarredbeard (RNG/WAR)
Sansuka (RDM)
*Sassafras (money)
Shihomi (POINTS)
*Shunka (money)
*Yelsaewnor (money)

lol~ I forgot to write down who won stuff and what dropped! I do remember a little of what dropped, but not all. Didn't we get a RNG hat?
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The extra currency has sold. Each money lotter will receive 39,000 gil. As always, you can pick up your gil from me on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Thanks!
i believe we had rng and mnk drop
with kick getting mnk and rag getting rng.